Gönderen Konu: GAY TREATMENT / GAY THERAPY Psikolog Hüseyin KAÇIN 0 555 326 22 91  (Okunma sayısı 10937 defa)


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Mektup 1-



Hello my psycholog

I became very hopeful when I read the note you wrote under the maintanence therapy book.


I am a 29 year-old gay but I am so embarressed of being gay and I hope you could understand that I want to get rid of it(being gay).


I haven’t applied to anywhere because of my fear but by trusting you for the first time

I am making a move about this situation,what should I  do about this issue,which way should I follow ? I demand your help and wish you good day.
Thursday December 24, 2009


Mektup 2-

Hello my psycholog


You said to me something so great that putting things inside me into writing is hard for me,actually I am not good at writing so I am sorry for this in the first place.


I started to feel more relaxed and comfortable after the second therapy but occasionally I feel bad sometimes something inside me says “don’t resist you won’t make it” but another voice says”this time you will make it,I believe in you” I know that the first voice is coming from Satan but it effects me,I don’t know is it normal to happen during these times but it happens.


But I absolutely believe that your first aim is to help me,of course I know that this is your job but you do everything you can about payments too just because our therapies could go on and people who need help about this “curse” can get rid of this “curse”(beign gay).


May the God bless you and the people like you,and I recommended you to some friends whom I met from your site. But they told me that these kind of people make all this for money and the therapies won’t work etc,but I don’t care what they say,of course you don’t have a magic wand and do things with abra kadabra and poof,I hope and pray to God that it will all happen with patience and a person relaxes by telling his thoughts and his feelings,maybe this stress I suffer is the cause of not telling my thoughts and feelings.


After this therapy all the time I think about fighting myself and I wonder why I let people use me as they want maybe the answer is I was the one who wanted this and “the three characters”.


Hope to see you in our third therapy my psycholog,take care of yourself...


Best regards...


Monday January 11,2010

« Son Düzenleme: 27 Mart 2012, 08:14:17 öö Gönderen: psikolog »


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Ynt: utti341 İngilizce çeviri GAY TREATMENT / GAY THERAPY
« Yanıtla #1 : 10 Kasım 2010, 08:12:09 ös »

The way homosexuals feel themselves as quilty,angry, depressive is a very common occassion. to act as a homosexual even it is not suitable for ones "being, existence and soul"(!) can lead these persons to depression. Homosexuality is a traumatic aspect of a mislead childhood often neglected by parents. Thus, homosexual...ity is a gender disorder, pathologic disorder and a menthal disorder. Thus physchology as a science has the responsibility to search, analyze the structure and the reasons of homosexuality and will always have it. According to this theory not remediating the homosexuals who want to get rid of their homosexuality and calling it "not remediable" is an attitude insulting homosexuals and is immoral.

Psikolog Hüseyin Kaçın - 0555 326 22 91 -



Eşcinsellerin kendilerini suçlu, huzursuz, yalnız, depresif, sıkıntılı ve gergin hissetmeleri sık rastlanan bir durumdur. Yani ruhuna ve benliğine aykırı olduğu halde eşcinsel eylemlerini sürdürmek zorunda kalmak veya dürtüyü kontrol edememek kişide ruhsal sıkıntı yaratabilir. Ayrıca eşcinsellik; özgür bir tercihin değil, genellikle çocuklukta yaşanan travmaların ve (anne-baba) ihmallerin bir sonucu gelişen bir durumdur. Bu açıdan baktığımızda da eşcinsellik ruhsal bir bozukluktur, bir cinsel eğilim bozukluğudur, bir cinsel kimlik bozukluğudur. Bu neden psikoloji biliminin eşcinsel yaşam tarzının ve toplumsal kimliğin sağlıklı olup olmadığını ayrıştırma, eşcinselliğin nedenini, yapısını ve tedavisini araştırmaya devam etme sorumluluğu vardır, olmalıdır, olacaktır. Bu bağlamda, kendi özgür seçimi ile eşcinsellikten kurtulmak isteyenlere tedavi imkanı sağlamamak, “bu tedavi edilebilen bir hastalık değildir” demek gerçekte eşcinselleri küçük düşüren ve ahlaki olmayan bir tutumdur.



« Son Düzenleme: 27 Mart 2012, 08:14:49 öö Gönderen: psikolog »


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Ynt: GAY TREATMENT / GAY THERAPY Psikolog Hüseyin KAÇIN 0 555 326 22 91
« Yanıtla #2 : 25 Ocak 2012, 08:33:45 öö »
Homosexual Acts as a Sign of Gender Identity Confusion in Adolescence: A Case Report

The gender identity is assumed to be completed by development of the
secondary sex characteristics in adolescence. However, in the progress of
gender identity formation, biological characteristics, family dynamics, and envi-
ronmental factors may interfere with development of the child and problems with
gender identity formation may arise. Related to this condition, these individuals
may experience confusion about their gender identity, feel like opposite gender
and engage in homosexual acts in adolescence (1). These youngsters can disp-
lay impulsive and uncontrolled behaviors, and harm themselves by having
unprotected and random homosexual intercourses. Besides, this condition can
be socially disagreeable and may result in comorbid psychiatric disorders. In this
paper, we present an adolescent aged 17, who displayed symptoms of gender
identity confusion, and showed transition from homosexual fantasies and
behaviors to heterosexual orientation during one year of individual
psychotherapy. We discussed the dynamics of this change and the factors that
contribute to the development of homosexual activities in adolescence.
(Archives of Neuropsychiatry 2009; 46: 203-5)
Anahtar kelimeler: Adolescence, homosexuality, gender identity

« Son Düzenleme: 27 Mart 2012, 08:14:36 öö Gönderen: psikolog »


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